
Sustainable Wales promotes, explains and supports fairtrade.

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.

  • A fair and secure price to the producer

  • No child labour

  • Safe working conditions

  • Protection for the environment

  • Rights for women

  • A social premium

The number of ethical labels is growing, but Fairtrade remains unique. While other schemes aim to ‘protect the environment’ or ‘enable companies to trace their coffee’, Fairtrade’s focus is to support farmers and workers to improve the quality of their lives and take more control over their futures.

Volunteer Rhys in a FT Banana suit!

Volunteer Rhys in a fairtrade banana suit!

Fairtrade issues are highlighted every year with Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight 2023 took place 27 February – 12 March 2023.

Fairtrade Fortnight this year will highlight the urgent threat to the future of the foods we love and the livelihoods of the people who grow them, as they face the worst effects of the climate crisis. Without our support for fairer prices today, farmers will find it even harder to tackle the climate and economic challenges of the future.

The next Fairtrade Fortnight will be from Monday 9 September – Sunday 22 September 2024.

Sustainable Wales will be celebrating and promoting Fairtrade Fortnight in 2024.

Fairtrade Foundation, UK: “2024 will be our big ‘three-oh’ birthday, so we want to use the occasion to highlight how 30 years of working together has made the FAIRTRADE Mark a leader of life-changing impact for farmers and workers across the world.

Thirty ways to celebrate thirty years of Fairtrade

get involved!


Former projects

Bridgend Fairtrade Partnership

Members have campaigned and achieved fair trade status for the borough of Bridgend, South Wales.

Fairtrade events

Events hosted by Sustainable Wales or other organisations, promoting fairtrade and ethical shopping.


Founded by Sustainable Wales SUSSED is a high street presence selling and promoting ethical consumerism and fairtrade. Run by volunteers as a social enterprise.