In April Sustainable Wales hosted a public lecture at the Grand Pavilion on local energy. (Listen to the podcast here:
Reach followed this up with a workshop on community renewable energy.
Following the workshop reach commissioned a study to identify opportunities for community renewable energy in rural Bridgend and are in the process of commissioning for a delivery body to deliver a rural household energy awareness and community energy campaign and to project manage one community’s journey through developing and implementing a community energy project of their own. You can find the tender here.
We have since discovered that quietly there has been a lot of activity regarding local energy in Bridgend and Sustainable Wales have agreed to draw attention to these projects and to host a workshop Bridgend’s Local Energy Revolution.
It is an exciting time for local energy in Bridgend County and the event will provide an opportunity to hear about some of the projects currently underway and also an opportunity to discuss what’s next for developing local and community energy in Bridgend County.
Please download here the event invitation and further details. You can also view the invitation document and agenda below (click to enlarge the images).
Kind regards
Geoff Hobbs and Margaret Minhinnick
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