The future is here. The future is now.

Frank O’Connor

12 months ago we had to make a big decision, possibly the biggest decision in the history of our charity. After 16 years as the grassroots voice for sustainable development in Wales we were at a crossroads. Where was our future? Did we have a future?

The success of earlier progressive initiatives such as our Real Nappy, Buy Recycled Paper and Single-use Bag Campaigns had created a lasting legacy. But perhaps they had also pigeon - holed us as predominantly concerned with waste, rather than the wider consumer agenda.

Opportunities to fund our emerging social and environmental ideas have decreased significantly due to the economic downturn. While our other creations SUSSED and The Green Room are gaining strong reputations as ethical brands they were also taking a lot of our time to establish and build.

We were at a point where Sustainable Wales needed to re-energise.

To make this happen I devised and facilitated a goal-setting process. We found that the process, in particular the team activities re-vitalised us and we had fun.

The need for grassroots sustainable development activity is even greater now than when we initially established in 1997. To challenge the status quo we need creative ideas and leadership.

So now we have assembled our biggest team to-date who are all 100% committed to community-based sustainable development. Our current portfolio of work demonstrates this.

We have developed a new website and have selected seven main strategic themes. These are Citizenship; Healthy living and quality of life; Food and Drink; Energy efficiency and renewable energy; Climate change and Consumerism.

Whilst we are determined to continue to make a real difference we can’t do this without you. We want to ignite your passion for sustainable living and enable you to get involved in finding solutions.

We’d love it if you got in touch. Join us and reap the benefits of meaningful work!

The future is here. The future is now.