40 years of Friends of the Earth Cymru
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A wide range of blog articles published by Sustainable Wales.
40 years of Friends of the Earth Cymru
Read MoreWe’ve just signed an open letter calling on the Welsh Government to act on microplastics.
Did you know microplastics from the clothes we wear make up 35% of plastic pollution? Microplastic pollution is harming life in our seas and on land and now growing evidence suggests it is harming us too.
We’d love it if you could take a minute to read the open letter and sign the Senedd petition asking the Welsh Government to draw up a Microplastics Action Plan for Wales.
Open letter here:
Rydyn ni newydd arwyddo llythyr agored yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i weithredu ar ficroblastigau.
Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod microblastigau o'r dillad rydyn ni'n eu gwisgo yn cyfrif am 35% o lygredd plastig? Mae llygredd microplastig yn niweidio bywyd yn ein moroedd ac ar dir ac erbyn hyn mae tystiolaeth gynyddol yn awgrymu ei fod yn ein niweidio ni hefyd.
Byddem wrth ein bodd pe gallech gymryd munud i ddarllen y llythyr agored a llofnodi deiseb y Senedd yn gofyn i Lywodraeth Cymru lunio Cynllun Gweithredu Microblastigau i Gymru.
Our mission is to seek solutions for the unsustainable way we live. This involves cultural change and has implications for future generations.
Sustainable Wales’s aim is to help revitalise the local economy. We promote social and environmental progress and are enterprising, creative and internationally aware.
We are committed to society, artistic creativity and the natural world. We work with communities, voluntary groups and government.
We believe in this way we can foster an exciting future that doesn’t cost us the earth.
Sustainable Wales | 5 James Street, Porthcawl, CF36 3BG, UK